Performance ratings from an external source can be uploaded or pulled into your account via integration.
Add a new performance cycle
Upload a new set of performance ratings via Employees > Upload, "Upload Employee Performance".
Select "Create a new cycle" from the dropdown
Give the cycle a name
Upload a file with performance ratings, only employee email and performance rating is required.
Update or add ratings to an existing performance cycle
Upload instructions
If you have multiple performance ratings you'd like to add or update all at once, this is the best option.
Update an existing set of performance ratings via Employees > Upload, "Upload Employee Performance".
Select "Add data to an existing cycle" from the dropdown
Select the existing cycle for which you'd like to add or update performance ratings.
Upload a file with performance ratings, only employee email and performance rating is required.To update performance ratings, you can repeat above but add data to an existing cycle instead of create a new one OR
Manual instructions
If you have only a handful of performance ratings you'd like to add or update, this is the best option.
Go to the employees page
click on an employee name to open their drawer to the right
Go to the performance tab to update
Integration Instructions
You will only need to add an integration once to access current and past performance ratings for all employees. We sync data daily at 12 AM UTC (8pm ET / 5 pm PT) so data from open cycles will flow through as it's available or updated.
In your Comprehensive Account
Go to Integrations in your company settings
Select “Add Integration” under Performance Management
Follow the steps to connect your account to Comprehensive
Culture Amp
In your Culture Amp Account
Find Comprehensive under your Settings > Data Integrations page
Click Set Up Comprehensive Integration to begin
Generate new credentials for Comprehensive
In your Comprehensive Account
Go to Integrations in your company settings
Select “Add Integration” under Performance Management
Select Culture Amp
Enter the client ID and secret key from step 2